Featured Properties

Full Service Property Management

Professional Marketing

professional photos and write ups go a long way. We market your property to stand out and we do it across multiple platforms.

Tenant Screening

tenant due diligence starts before even showing your property. We pre-screen every potential renter and continue our comprehensive checks with approval criteria that must be met.

Rent Collection

we collect the rent and security deposit from the tenant and follow up with any late rent payments. Rent roll is deposited right into your account every month.

Maintenance Requests

Whether it's a leaky faucet, a faulty appliance, or a broken thing-a-ma-bob we have it covered from beginning to end. Our professional trades will get the job done efficiently and promptly while following proper procedures and protocols.

Property Inspections

Feel at ease knowing we are looking after your property by conducting our periodic inspections and ensuring that tenants are following the terms of their lease and specific do's and don'ts when it comes to the care and maintenance of the property.

Financial Reporting

Accessible to you 24hrs our owner portal allows you to log in and monitor the financial health of your investment. View and download invoices and rent roll statements. Tax season becomes manageable with the ability to review any expenses alongside your income generating transactions.

For the First Time or Savvy Investor